
Talking about climate-risk exposure

Talking about climate-risk exposure

It’s time to drive a change and steer the conversation towards climate risk exposure on property portfolios. Housing Associations support around six million people across England so it is vital these properties are well protected to the best ability.

Sustainability, energy efficiency and decarbonisation are buzz words everyone is using but what about climate risk management?  Identifying threats before they become a reality can be a game changer protecting assets and their values. 

Housing Associations aim to provide homes to vulnerable people who may be on a low income or who need extra support. The provision of a safe and secure home coupled with high-quality services can be life changing but so too can the destruction created by extreme weather on these properties. The rising impact of climate change with recent floods and storms has identified the increasing need to build resilience to climate change into all risk strategies.

Housing Associations are working hard to tackle climate change. Much is being talked about energy efficiency and the creation of low carbonisation to create climate-ready homes but how do they protect these properties from extreme weather threats?  

Challenges of climate-induced risks

Climate change will become more acute in the future – it’s a fact.  Flooding will become more frequent and severe, threaten water resources, and increase the risk of overheating for buildings and infrastructure. The Climate Change Committee has warned around 4.5 million homes overheat, even in cool summers; 1.8 million people live in areas at significant risk of flooding; and average UK water consumption is higher than in many other European countries.

Housing Associations are obliged as responsible housing providers to protect tenants against any potential risks. Weather fluctuations brought about by climate change can be highly destructive and costly. For example, those living in urban environments are often subject to an increased risk of surface water flooding. To understand the long-term viability and value of a property it is important to conduct an in depth climate related stress test against risks and scenarios to identify and implement the necessary mitigations. Outcomes might include higher insurance premiums, service disruption and higher costs of maintenance contracts. Good quality, affordable climate-risk exposure data is readily available to quantify these risks and in turn safeguard residents. The data to understand these risks and make homes more resilient exists, so how do you go about getting it?

Solutions – Granular, property specific data

Using our unparalleled access to market leading, real-time climate perils data we can evaluate potential environmental hazards on land and property to help assess and put in place action against the impact of climate change. Using sophisticated modelling and real time intelligence allows us detail property specific results delivering granularity and precise information we can act upon. By delivering the complete picture we can help shape your climate risk strategy.

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